Moharram Sharif Langar & Niyaz
Moharram Sharif Start 30th July To 9th Aug 2022 (Big langer &
niyaz Khas Dua fateha quran khani Wazaif Daily)
Islamic New Year
1st Muharram 1444 Hijri.30th July to 9th Aug 2022
Yaum al-Ashura 10th Muharram 1444 Hijri.8th 9th Aug 2022
Dear Devotees of Khwaja Saheb
This is to inform you that Moharram Sharif is coming
there fore I request every
Devotee to participate in this such sad month by taking
part . By having prayers
Moharram Sharif
Those People are admire able who have sacrificed their
lives in the way of Allah Dear Devotee of Khwaja Garib
Nawaz (R.A) Janab,Salam-o-Rehmat By the grace of
Almighty Allah pak iam quite well here and hope the same
from you. Annual Urs of Hazrat Khwaja Garib Nawaz (R.A),Month
of RAmzanul Mubarak and the urs of Hazrat Khwaja Usman
Haruni (R.A) has ended safely with darood-o-salam. On
these above pious eve i remembered you &your family
memebers in my prayers. As a true devotee of Khwaja
Garib Nawaz (R.A) you have been taking active part in
every holy doings. You are fortunate enough that your
well earned contribution has been utilized in the
auspious functions of (Aale Nabi Aulade Ali).Cerntainly
Aallah pak will grant you uncountable "Rozi" as has been
said in Holy Quran.The month of Edul-Zuha Also Known as
Zil Haj is is the last month of Islamic caender
year.From every corner of the world Muslim people use to
go to Macca-e-muazzama & Madina-e-Munawwara for
pilgrimage to perform the "HAJ" the 5th Rukun of Islam.
In this month muslim people do Qurbani of a animal like
Goat etc.In the memory of sacrifices of loveliest son of
Hazrat Ismail (A.S) by Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S) in the name
of "Allah" Most of the devotees of Hazrat Khwaja Sahab
perform Qurbani at Ajmer Sharif either in person Swab-e-Darain.
On the 10th of Eidul-zuha "Jannati Darwaza " is also
opened. I hope you will try to get Swab-e-Darain by
performing the deed of Qurbani at Holy Ajmer.The Month
of Moharram is followed Islamic calender year begines
from this month. The month of Moharram is remebered in
the honour of Syedna Ali Mukam Hazrat Imam Hussain (A.S)
Who fought for truth and sacrificed him self and his
family members in" Maidan-e-Karbala. On 4th Moharram to
7th Moharram the hujra, of Hazrat Baba Fariduddin Ganj
Shakkar (R.A) Whoes Tomb is at Pak Pattn Sharif is
opened once in a year. From 1st Moharram to 10th
Moharram the majlis of Zikr-e-Shahdatan is organised in
holy Astana. On 10th day i.e. Youm-e-Ashoorah
Khatam-e-Quran, Khatam-e-Khwajgan, Providing Langar to
poor & other holy functions are also performed.I hope
you will participate in these holy functions either in
person or by sending Nazro-Niyaz through British Postal
or Bank Draft by registered post and get
Sawab-e-Darain.Please convey my salam & dua to your
family memebers. Please do remember me for any service
relating to holy shrine because you have got spirotual
relation with me through Hazrat Khwaja Sahab (R.A) Which
will remain for ever.INDIA,

moharram sharif niaz arrangement
moharram sharif
rush on moharram sharif niyaz

moharram sharif niaz

moharram sharif niaz
rush on
moharram sharif niaz You may deposit your hearty contribution (amount) direct in Bank Account
.When you deposit the Holy Shrine amount please inform us through phone
0091-7726801943 or Please inform
your neighbours & relatives about this bank account, so they can also
send their contribution
Duago All Devotees Chief Moallim Hazrat Khwaja Syed Moinuddin Hasan Chishty(R.A.)
Khas Gaddi-Nashin
Syed Ali Nawaz Chishty
S/O HAJI M.Syed Shah Nawaz Chishty
CHISHTY MANZIL (ZIA HOUSE) P.O.BOX 109,Dargah Ajmer Sharif,
{Raj} (INDIA) Pin Code:305001
ACCOUNT NO : 50200067417049
Paytm number - 91-7726801943
phone pe number -
Google pay number -
Ajmer Sharif Whatsapp
Ajmer Sharif Whatsapp Note:
In my name (syed Ali Nawaz chishty) ajmer india plz send money through
Western Union Money Transfer,Money Gram or uae xpress money
adress details; {Chishty Manzil} Dargah Ajmer Sharif P.o.Box 109, {raj}
(India) pin code 305001
Muharram Dargah Ajmer 2023,Moharram Donation Dargah Ajmer 2023,Muharram Dargah
Ajmer Donation
The Dargah of Khwaja Moinuddin Chishty,Ajmer
Sharif,situated in the heart of Rajasthan,is the place of the holy dargah of Khwaja
Moin-ud-din Chisti also known as Gharib Nawaz.It is visited by crores of devout
pilgrims of all castes (Hindus,Muslims,Sikhs,Christians) from all over the world
who come here to make a wish & on fulfilliment of wish they present langar (bhandara)
, niaz , flowers , chadars ,etc. By the karam of Khwaja Sb. only we syed khadim
chishty family have the power to do any noble work which belongs to darbar sharif
and only we have the power to collect the nazrana of Darbar Sharif . So, i a humble
Khadim of Garib Nawaz request you to contact me regarding any Taweezats, Duas, Mannat
etc. also, i request you to please come personally in Darbar Sharif at time of We
have the blood relation with Huzoor Gharib Nawaz (RA.) and we manage the all social
work for human belief and betterment. I have some rooms to stay for the devotees
and arrange; all the support for them is free service. If you or any of your dearer
or nearer feel any troubles as like black magic or any other problem you can contact
me to solve the problems.
I request all the devotees to participate in these noble workes which are meanto
please Allah paak and his prophet (SAw) also Huzoor Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (RA.) If
Allah Pak made you capable you should visit the Holy Dargah of the Saint Khwaja
Gharib Nawaz (R.A) and get your hearty desires fulfilled.So I hope you will contact
me by phone at the earlies possible after receive this letter.